Sleep Drops What I need to cure my insomnia

July 3, 2016

Continuing my Recovery

Filed under: addiction,lavender,sleep aids — admin @ 10:10 am

Just a quick update…. I continue to succeed in my recovery, although the challenges remain and every day is a new experience for me. The people are great, and I really appreciate how I started there even after I’ve spent months in rehab and months in aftercare/counseling/meetings.

Sleep is such an important part of wellness, I never realized. Poor nutrition, bad habits, allowing every distraction in my world to interfere with my sleep hinestly supported and encouraged my addictions. I won’t say the sleeping pills were a cause of my drug and alcohol misuse, but it sure didn’t help.

Looking back I can see how hard I tried to find natural sleep remedies before I started down the prescription pill road. I am also discovering that I started using my sleeplessness and insomnia as an excuse to lean on heavier and heaver doses of alchol and eventually pills. Lavender is a WONDERFUL sleep aid… and I knew that… but I was after more than just a sleep aid. I should have joined a group counseling session, instead of continuing beyond the safe, natural sleep remedies.

Every day is a learning experience. Every day is life, worth living.

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